
Books can be any size and shape but whatever you need in Classic Design we can offer you the perfect solution.
For special edditions we offer hardback. The body of the book is thread-sewn and attached to the cover with fly-leaf. This provides greater stability to the books and they can be used longer. To make the cover more attractive it can be laminated, varnished or embossed. Title can be stamped with gold or silver foil.
The book can be protected with additional cover, usually made by 150gr/m2 paper, which can also be laminated, varnished or embossed. The number of the pages must be divisible by 4 and the total number of the pages must be 48 or more, so that the spine should be 8mm at least. The body of the book can be printed on offcet or coated paper, silk or gloss, with weight from 80 to 200gr/m2. The maximum size of the book should not be more than 320x 320 mm.

To ensure high quality, we would need you to supply:
Suitable for printing, composite PDF in CMYK, or CMYK + Spot colors, without ICC profiles, passers, scales or any other signs. Тhe number of pages in the PDF file, should correspond to the number of the pages in the book e.g. you sould not send us spreads. The resolution of the images must be 300dpi or higher. All odd number pages must have extention on the top, bottom and on the left side, while all even number pages must have an extention on the right, top and on the bottom. For the cover projects you should allow a spine with corresponding width. For more information contact Classic Design team.

Finishing Works

UV-WARNISHING-SPOT_2UV-WARNISHINGUV-WARNISHING-SPOT_1UV WARNISHING MATT/GLOSS/SPOT In this process printed area is covered with the special coating and is then exposed to the UV light. Photo-initiators within the coating react, creating a hard protective finish. Ingredients provide gloss or matt characteristics. It can be applied as an all-over coat or in spots to highlight a specific area. The varieties of effects that can be achieved are endless, when using different combinations of laminate, varnish and ink.
This is applied during the printing process varnish, like any other ordinary solvent-based ink. The varieties of over-coating varnish are usually colourless, but sometimes they are tinted to achieve a desired effect. Varnish can be applied as an all-over coat or in spots to highlight a specific area. It is available in glossy or satin finishes. The varieties of effects that can be achieved are endless, when using different combinations of varnish, paper, and ink.
Laminating is the process of applying a clear film to either one side or both sides of a printed document. Applying laminate provides protection to printed products that are handled frequently or may encounter moisture.
BIGOWANECREASING is a process performed before folding.  This eliminates a fibre cracking on paper weight of over 150gsm.  Creased folds are elegant and precise.   It also is advisable,  if fold pass through dark image areas.
EMBOSSING-NEGATIVEFOIL-BLOCKINGEMBOSSING-POZITIVEEMBOSSING   This is a process that alters the surface by providing a three dimensional effect on selected areas. Generally, embossing is the process most often employed to attract attention or convey a high quality textural contrast in relation to the surrounding area of the paper stock.
FOIL-BLOCKINGFOIL-BLOCKING_3FOIL-BLOCKING_2FOIL BLOCKING   When a specific print area requires an elegant finish, it is easily accomplished using foil blocking (also named hot stamping when heat is applied). The process adhere the foil onto the area requiring the metallic effect. The result is a highly reflective image with a bright and dense metallic appearance. Foils can be used for logos, borders, titles or elegant accents for distinctive symbols, graphics, or lines.
DIE-CUTTINGSTANCASTANCA_1           DIE-CUTTING Die-cutting involves the use of metal dies constructed of knife-edge cutting blades formed into a pattern or die. The die is pressed into the substrate to produce the desired shape. Almost any shape can be created and applied to a diverse array of raw materials. Labels, envelopes, folders, cartons, and documents are only a few of the many products that can be die cut for added functionality.

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A3_V-S-MWSM_1WSMWIRE STITCHING (SADDLE STITCHING)   Saddle stitched books are constructed with sheets that each represent four pages of a book. The sheets are stacked with other sheets in the correct page order and then stapled along the fold line, or saddle. The 64 pages is the maximum for heavier stocks.
WIRE-STITCHING-(SIDE-STITCHING)WIRE STITCHING (SIDE STITCHING)   Side wire stitching is generally for booklets or books that contain too many pages to be effectively saddle stitched. The sheets are bound on the side of the book. The staples are inserted from the front side of the book, through the pages, and are pinched closed on the back side of the book. Side wire binding does not allow the book to be opened as flat as a saddle stitched book and an extra allowance for the inner margin must be made for the stapled stub.
A3_BINDERMEKA-KNIGAMEKA-KNIGA_1MEKA-KNIGA_33PERFECT BINDING (SOFT COVERING)   Perfect binding is an easy and inexpensive method of binding. The single sheets are gathered, stacked, and binding edge is covered with glue. A cover is attached to the book and is held in place by the glued spine.
A3_BINDER-I-KONCIMEKA-KNIGA_3THREAD SEWING + PERFECT BINDING (SOFT COVERING)    This method is most durable. The printed sheet containing individual book pages, called a signature, is folded, and assembled in the correct page order. After this, the signature is sewn together with other signatures. The sewn edge (spine) of the book is coated with glue. A cover is attached to the book and is held in place by the glued spine.
A3_KNIGAKNIGAHARD COVERING   A number of steps are required to complete a bound book. First, a large printed sheet containing individual book pages, called a signature, is folded and assembled in the correct page order. The signature is sewn together with other signatures. End-leaf papers are glued to the outside of the first and last signatures. The sewn edge (spine) of the book is coated with glue and a strip of gauze is wrapped around it. The heavy board covers are wrapped with paper, cloth, or other materials to form the final book covering. The book is attached to its hard cover by sticking end-leaf papers to the case. Final step is to insert the book into a hydraulic press to ensure that it dries properly and does not warp.
A3_SPIRSLA_OKSPIRALA_2SPIRALA_3SPIRAL WIROBINDING     A spiral binding consists of a continuous wire, which is coiled through evenly spaced holes that have been punched into the pages of a book. The spiral wire can be made of metal, plastic, or plastic coated metal. Plastic is available in a variety of colours, but the metal spiral has a limited colour selection. When the books are open, the pages lie flat, which makes spiral binding a good choice for training manuals, cookbooks, and calendars.

A3_SPIRSLA_3Full Canadian (Square Back) – The partially hidden wire-o is exposed on the front and back cover. Flat spine allows for easy identification.


Catalogue/Publishers – An intriguing one-piece cover style that opens “in reverse”, creating a flat spine for identifi cation.

A3_SPIRSLA_1Cased In – Standard wire-o pasted into a hard case with all the advantages of opening.

A3_SPIRSLA_4Reverse Binding – Allows for an expandable inside cover where a large spread image is important.
The binding is hidden and the spine is flat. Back flap can be pasted down or left free.

A3_SPIRSLA_5Standard Binding – Most common cover style. Separate front and back covers.
Opens easily back – to back.

A3_V-S-M--I-KRILCAA3_BINDER-I-KRILCAMEKA-KNIGA_KRILCACOVER WITH FLAPS    This type of soft cover has inner folded flaps that fit inside, between book cover and book body. Usually printed with text and illustrations.
A3_KNIGA--I--KORICACOVER-WITH-DUST-JACKETCOVER WITH DUST JACKET   The dust jacket (sometimes book jacket, dust wrapper or dust cover), is the detachable outer cover, usually made of paper and printed with text and illustrations. This outer cover has folded flaps that hold it to the front and back book covers. In addition to its promotional role, the dust jacket protects the book covers from damage.
 ORIENTATION   PORTRAIT/ALBUM   This is the way in which pages is oriented for normal viewing. The two most common types of orientation are portrait (vertical), and album (horizontal, also named landscape). The specific definition comes from the fact that a close-up portrait of a person’s face and upper body, is more fitting for a photo, where the height of the display area is greater than the width, and is more common for the pages of books. Album or landscape, originally described artistic outdoor scenes where a wide view area is needed. Most monitors have a landscape display, while most documents are printed in portrait mode.


Classic Design is a highly dynamic and fast growing company which offers professional pre-press, offset and digital printing. We specialize in designing and printing of posters, leaflets, catalogues, books, magazines….


We would like to know your opinion. Email us for questions We would try to reach you as soon as possible.      e-mail: office@classic-bg.net phons  +359 2 944 02 74 +359 2 944 75 06